dimanche 25 juin 2017

Hold up

Yeaaaaah I've finally bought some summer clothes. Yeah, you MUST know that London has been super hot lately. When I say super hot, it's like 33 degrees. Everybody thinks that London's weather is always crap.. but na, not always. So yeah, even with this cute little jumpsuit I've been sweating all day long. Oh yeah, I bought it because I wanted to look like Beyonce on her song "Hold up". I was feeling myself singing "  Hold up, they don't love you like I love you, slow down, they don't love you like I love you, back up, they don't love you like I love you, step down, they don't love you like I love you. Can't you see there's no other man above you? What a wicked way to treat the girl that loves you." hahaha yes, I tried.  Anyways, you can but this cutie at Forever 21 here


jeudi 15 juin 2017

Double denim

Je suis de retour avec un nouveau look, oui encore du denim. Je dois vous avouez que j'ai pas encore acheter de nouveaux habits d'été mais ca ne serait tarder. C'est vrai que c'est pas le top de porter un jean qui te colle à la peau quand il fait 25 degrés. Mais bon, je dois tout de même vous dire que ce jean est vraiment top. Super super stretch et comfortable et pour seulement 29£ chez Zara. Mes mules viennent de chez Office, achetées l'été passé donc vous vous douterez bien qu'elles ne sont plus en ligne (pour celles qui m'écrivent sur instagram). Bonne fin de semaine les filles, demain c'est le week end !!! En attendant, moi j'attends mes commandes pour vous shootez d'autres looks cool :)

Jean - Zara similar here // Bag - Zara
(si je ne mets pas les liens, cela veut dire que les articles ne sont plus en ligne)


jeudi 8 juin 2017

Denim on denim

Hello les filles, hope you're all good!
I've been absente over the past few days because I've been looking for a job. Yeah, uni is done and I'm already looking for a job. There's no break for me. I mean if I want to eat while I'll be staying in Miami, I better earn money quickly hahaha. Yessss, I'm going in Miami for this summer. I'll be staying there 2 weeks. I'm hella exciteeeeeeeeed. It'll be a sister trip so I can't wait to be the 20th of July and finally enjoy. What about you, where are you going?
Anyways, here's my new look. Basically I cut my skirt that was much more longer and I'm kind of pleased of the result. What do you think? Plus, my denim jacket that you might have seen many times on my blog but I really liked the denim on denim combination.
Have a nice end of week girls xx