mercredi 6 juillet 2016

Pastel trouser

Hi everyone, just to let you know that I won't shoot in London anymore (for 2 months) because I'M BACK IN MY TOWN, WHICH IS GENEVA :)It's been a while .. On the one hand I'm hella happy to be finally back for summer because I can spend time with my fam and friends but on the other hand I'm quiet sad because Geneva is definitely not like London. In terms of intertainments.. yeah definitely! As it's a small city, you can easily get bored... 

Anyways, let's talk about my outfits. As you surely have noticed, the sales are everywhere !!!
What did you buy up to now ? :)
I bought this culotte trouser and those shoes for 30£ in total *BIG DABBBB*

Culotte - Newlook (not online anymore) // shoes - Zara (here)